Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cheese Tortellini with Chicken and Corn

I love recreating dishes.  Sometimes I switch out or add just one ingredient, at times its 2 or 3, the end result is always the same, I end up with something new and delicious.  That's exactly what happened tonight.  I went into the kitchen not really knowing what I was going to make, it kinda just happened. I had some corn on the cob and some Boursin cheese, perfect, I thought, I will make a delicious side dish I learned from a friend.  It involves boiling and grilling the corn and then cutting it off the cobb and mixing it in with the cheese.  The warm corn melts the cheese, a little chopped greens, parsley or dill, and you've got yourself a pretty great side dish.  So that was my starting point, only problem, there was no way I was going outside to grill corn in 20 degree weather, tonight it will have to just be boiled.  I also felt like a little cauliflower would add crunch and flavor to an already perfect salad so I added some chopped cauliflower to the boiling water at the very end.  The salad came out good, but was really missing that grill flavor, so I decided the dish will just need to be recreated. I wanted to somehow incorporate cheese tortellini and chicken into tonight's dinner, so a thought popped into my head, why not combine everything together and finish it off with some more of the cheese.  That's how I came up with tonight's spin off.  It was perfection, all the flavors married together and the cheese gave it that creaminess.  I boiled the cheese tortellini in salted water and drained it, 2 small Chicken breasts were cubed and sauteed in olive oil with salt, pepper and paprika.  Then in a new skillet I combined everything together starting with the corn, then tortellini and chicken, adding about 2 tablespoons of the cheese.  Once everything was warmed up, it was ready to serve.  Try for yourself.

corn/cauliflower and parsley with cheese

the cheese, make sure to get the garlic and herb
cheese tortellini
cubed chicken

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